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Two's a company, three's.....a family, four...a perfect li'l World!

A Promise of togetherness.
  It is said, ‘A child gives birth to a mother’. It is only with the birth of her child that she is elevated to the highest stature of being called a ‘Mother’. Why not then, give the benefit of the same pedestal to the other half as well? Let’s simply say, ‘A child gives birth to his/her parents’.

I was blessed the day, my parents brought me to this beautiful world. Blessed, not because I got this privileged birth of a human ;) but Blessed because I was born to the most wonderful couple. I have been told, Parenthood was not bestowed on them easily. They had to undergo the trauma of losing their unborn children, not once, not twice but five times in succession. They always were a strong pair. Today, I can envisage the amount of disillusionment they must’ve gone thru, on being denied time & again the joy they were seeking to attain!

A healthy child was a dream.........

Mom's lap is the best!
My little brother :)
 And then….I arrived. Mrs. & Mr. Tripathi became a ’Mother’ and a ‘Father’. Their happiness knew no bounds, not then and not ever after that! Parenting came very naturally to them. My growing years were full of love, care and …..Lots of discipline! On came my little brother & together we completed our parents’ world. The four of us had a small little Universe of our own. Not many relatives around, as all were placed geographically far apart, made our bond stronger & sturdier. Our weekly outings were planned meticulously by them, one Friday a visit to a tourist place, the next a visit to a far off relative so that we don’t become too cut off, the third Friday we would be treated to a movie show, and the next would invariably be to a place of worship. They were never tired to talk to us, never bored to listen to us! 

Always hands on Grand Parents to their Grandchildren.
The moments Memories are made of!

I have always been complimented on how beautifully I have brought my daughter up…..with the correct values and lot of confidence. She is complimented on having a perfect understanding of the traditional & the contemporary way of life. She values the importance of a ‘joint family’ and hopes her future family would be high on human values with lot of extended relations staying under one roof! But today, I would like to de-credit myself and pass on the mantle to the rightful owners of the good work – My parents! It reflected not only on the way they brought me & my little brother up, but they were the ones who also brought my daughter up! She has grown under their loving eyes & protective touch.The second Blessing, I will be always thankful for!

Sister,Sis-in-law,Daughter,Grand-daughters..A life well lived!
God has been very kind all thru out, to have allowed me a lot of qualitative time with my parents, especially during the later part of their lives. These were the times, which were very painful but also very precious and invariably the most cherished ones to date! I can recount every single moment spent with them, smiled with them, laughed with them – all thru their illness. Papa decided to pave the way for mom in heaven and hence left in a hurry, almost suddenly, a couple of years back. Then, we had Mummy all to ourselves. She, as always was the most beautiful, the most relenting & the most graceful parent that one could have. Doctors were always amazed by her spirit and the general medical consensus was, ‘She has a very high tolerance to pain’. She could smile thru the most painful pain and her eyes would convey, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll manage’. Yes, she did manage, till the very end! But when even the strongest pain killer in high dose couldn’t relieve her of her pain, she bade us Good-bye!

At times, I do feel, its very unfair to let go of your Parents in quick succession, but I am sure, Papa must be very happy to have her with him. They had never ever stayed apart during their lives, then how could they, in their deaths???

I gave birth to their Parenthood and they gave me my Life! There are times when I miss them terribly, more than words can ever express. But, this is the day I’ll always miss them and miss them the most – as this was the day they Blessed me forever. 13th April, my birthday would always be dedicated to my lovely Parents and the beautiful memories they left behind.

Mummy, Papa – 'A Happy Parents Day To Both of You'.

A promise well kept :)
Cake baked by Mom on my B'day .


  1. amazing post !!!! touched my heart . . keep writing :)

    1. Thanks is cooking/baking/desserts coming up???Do create a blog on the varieties that you dish out :)


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