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Showing posts from 2012

Two's a company, three's.....a family, four...a perfect li'l World!

A Promise of togetherness.    It is said, ‘A child gives birth to a mother’ . It is only with the birth of her child that she is elevated to the highest stature of being called a ‘Mother’. Why not then, give the benefit of the same pedestal to the other half as well? Let’s simply say, ‘ A child gives birth to his/her parents’. I was blessed the day, my parents brought me to this beautiful world. Blessed, not because I got this privileged birth of a human ;) but Blessed because I was born to the most wonderful couple. I have been told, Parenthood was not bestowed on them easily. They had to undergo the trauma of losing their unborn children, not once, not twice but five times in succession. They always were a strong pair. Today, I can envisage the amount of disillusionment they must’ve gone thru, on being denied time & again the joy they were seeking to attain! A healthy child was a dream......... Mom's lap is the best! My little brother :)