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Life's Odyssey - 3 S of the Saturn.

                 Life’s been in a frenzy for what seems ages now. Ages since I let my hair down in a care-free abandon, painted the town red, skirted the outskirts on a long drive, had a blast, met up long-time friends, or simply just been ‘ME’. Have been lost in this roller coaster ride of my life and am totally clueless as to when would it ever take a detour towards a straight and pleasant route. Anyway, never the one to complain – I am enjoying the rickety rackety back-breaking ride and soaking in the heat of life’s summery days. Hopefully, cool lazy winters are not too far away.

                For a few years, often heard from the knowledgeable, “Hey Purnima, your ‘Sade Saat Satti’ is on “. Initially had never taken it seriously, in due course gave it a thought now and then, and recently have been just keeping my pulse in control, crossing out every passing month in a descending chronology to step out of this seven and a half years’ eclipse of my life. Sigh! Eight more months to go! Am sure, I’ll sustain even these and would possibly come out a winner. You bet, it's been a long Marathon!

               One bright Sunday morning, Hubby dear suggested ‘Let's have a Puja at home. With this phase of mine hovering above me, I lapped up the suggestion and in a couple of days finalized the day/date, Panditji et all!
Love the early morning Sunny brightness all over the house.
First rays always bless the hearth(& the heart)
Couldn't have asked for more... Family Perfect!

Love the temple...Tower of strength.
Sai Baba's loving watchful eyes.

Favorite Corner in the guest room.

A workaholic in making!

The Puja is in progress.....

Came the 18th morning of the 10th month of the calendar and an auspicious hour was pre-fixed for the ‘Satyanarayan Pooja’….what a Blessed feeling, awakened at the Blessed break of the dawn, having had the Blessed bath and blissfully got down to making the Blessed ‘Prasad’. Everything seemed so divine- the day, the hour, the moment- the chanting, the flame of the lamp, the foggy spread of the holy havan, the mild, mystic scent of the aggarbattis, the natural fragrance of the flowers, the complete aura surrounding my mind, body and soul. Loved the smooth ride from the Sunrise to the Sunset and the subtle transition towards the night. The Almighty had a mighty presence, encompassing His or maybe Her arms around me. This only re-affirmed my faith in the divinity and I promised myself to stand firm and cherish this beautiful gift called ‘Life’ and value and respect every nano-moment that has been credited to me. Life has been bestowed by this divine power and why bother? He’ll guide and pull me thru my ups and downs ….so what if I’ve to face even 100s of 3 S of the Saturn :)


  1. Dear Purnima, I must say interesting shot, very well composed. The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by ur camera....I admire your creativity and keep on expressing yourself...Om Sai Ram

  2. Thanks Sanjayji...ur opinion means a world to me...Om Sai Ram.


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