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Showing posts from October, 2011

Life's Odyssey - 3 S of the Saturn.

                 Life’s been in a frenzy for what seems ages now. Ages since I let my hair down in a care-free abandon, painted the town red, skirted the outskirts on a long drive, had a blast, met up long-time friends, or simply just been ‘ME’. Have been lost in this roller coaster ride of my life and am totally clueless as to when would it ever take a detour towards a straight and pleasant route. Anyway, never the one to complain – I am enjoying the rickety rackety back-breaking ride and soaking in the heat of life’s summery days. Hopefully, cool lazy winters are not too far away.                 For a few years, often heard from the knowledgeable, “Hey Purnima, your ‘Sade Saat Satti’ is on “. Initially had never taken it seriously, in due course gave it a thought now and then, and recently have been just keeping my pulse in control, crossing out every passing month in a descending c...