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An Ode to my Students!

(Top) A few of us with Meena Mam (Bottom)Our 1st get together after the training was over & the classes began

     Every time when I think,‘Now this is it! My life’s settled…nothing more to come!’ And out of the blue, comes a beautiful bright spark, throws its light on me & adds a few more colors to my life.
      I can boast of  having had 17 years of  a gratifying career in the field of academics, voluntarily bid adieu to it and thereafter for a couple of years settled down to a life of sublime domesticity. Thought, that’s it! Couldn’t have been more wrong – came this opportunity knocking at my heart. ‘Take it up, take it up, take it up’, my heart said. My mind tried showing its dominance by putting its foot down! Heart cajoled, mind refused… heart pleaded, mind was bemused, heart persuaded, mind finally obliged! Opened my heart & life to this simple opportunity, ‘Teach India’. A platform which would fulfill my wish to be attached to NGOs, working towards causes of concern.
A bonding sure to last!
     It was to be a short project of 3 months, the end to which is fast approaching. It may also prove to be the start of a new beginning J Thoroughly enjoyed the 9 days training conducted by British Council & organized by The Times Of India. It was fun & enriching to be a part of a batch of enthusiasts, all set to venture out for a noble cause, in the age bracket of of 18 to 65 years! Our facilitator(trainer), dear Ms.Meena mam was ever so energetic packing the tight schedule with loads of activities, lessons & fun games. Everything planned crisply, meticulously & efficiently. The batch mates were fun. Even in our thoroughly packed session we did manage to bond & the bonding is promising to be for keeps. We plan to meet regularly …hoping to keep it up!

Ulhasnagar batch of learners
Bhandup Batch of Learners
  Armed with the training in tow, geared to take the plunge, Target- Youth, 18 yrs to 35 yrs, Mission – Teach Spoken English, Feeling – Apprehensive! Came 1st June & 1st step into the class. A class full of young girls, middle-aged ladies, enthu boys & energetic men.Phew!!! a lot to handle. Was told there would be not more than 15-20 learners, but eyes could scan atleast more than 25. I Smile at them, they smile back…. And since then it has been a 2 month short journey with them during which we spoke, laughed, debated, played & over came each others’ apprehensions. The rapport didn’t take over a day to build in both the classes(2 batches at different NGOs). The learners at both the centres are the same – simple, eager, sincere, open and accepting. We share mutual love & respect. Every single day has given me beautiful moments to cherish. They went thru their curriculum with eager anticipation and open participation, airing their opinions, sharing their dreams and talking about their ambitions. Its just a miniscule part of us that we give them, but that nano part can bring us stupendous satisfaction…. Once it was raining heavily, the furiously pouring rain stalled the running of trains. Conveyed my inability to conduct the class to the NGO in-charge,as it needed train commuting. Stayed securely indoors catching up a blissful nap. The next day, the moment I stepped in to the class after my almost 2 hours bus, train & auto journey, a few ladies in a mock grudge said, ‘Mam, where were you yesterday. We waited for almost an hour for you to come. We don’t want to miss out on our class.’ Since then, I’ve loved them even more!
         The curriculum is coming to an end, the moment this is referred to, in passing, during our everyday conversations, the class goes silent. I’ve no words, they’ve no words…. Yes, I am going to miss my 1st batch of ‘Teach India’ students who were put under my trust. Today they speak reasonably well, surprisingly a few very fluently in good English. Day 1, they didn’t want to try even a simple sentence….day 60, they cannot stop talking, arguing, debating & even fighting in english!!!
A student's poem to me :)
YMCA Training Center batch mates
         I may or may not continue to be a part of the project in the future cycles, but even if I do opt to convert it into my mid life career, I’ll miss these students of mine. In every future batch of mine, my eyes would search for their faces, during every future discussion my ears would yearn for their voices and in every future class games I would want to feel their spirit. My first Bhandup & Ulhasnagar batch students – I’ll miss you terribly, but will make it up by talking about you all to my other students .


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