(Top) A few of us with Meena Mam (Bottom)Our 1st get together after the training was over & the classes began E very time when I think,‘Now this is it! My life’s settled…nothing more to come!’ And out of the blue, comes a beautiful bright spark, throws its light on me & adds a few more colors to my life. I can boast of having had 17 years of a gratifying career in the field of academics, voluntarily bid adieu to it and thereafter for a couple of years settled down to a life of sublime domesticity. Thought, that’s it! Couldn’t have been more wrong – came this opportunity knocking at my heart. ‘Take it up, take it up, take it up’, my heart said. My mind tried showing its dominance by putting its foot down! Heart cajoled, mind refused… heart pleaded, mind was bemused, heart persuaded, mind finally obliged! Opened my heart & life to this simple opportunity, ‘Teach India’. A platform which would fulfill...