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Showing posts from January, 2021

A Mother's Pride

I could hold you in my arms for all of my life, I could see you smile all the while. Your constant chatter could be my sweetest song, Your confident stride - A Mother's Pride! Seems just yesterday, when you entered my little world, Filled it up with joy, pride and happiness & countless cheers!!! Never in my life was I so sure of wanting anything, except a presence of someone so special as is you! You turned my life's little canvas into a colorful grandeur with your love, laughter and never ending natter! It was only a wish I craved for, A wish to be blessed with an Angel to call my own, An angel, whose compassion I loved, but the devil in her I adored! We spoke, we laughed, we even fought & also cried. Only the two of us, made just for each other. We cared, we shared even the innermost turmoils and came thru it all - like one victorious pair!!! It was fun - all of it. It was a gleeful pleasure to watch your faltering step then and It is an undaunted