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Showing posts from March, 2017

Democracy – a farce?

We in India take pride in belonging to the biggest democracy! How cool is that!!! We’ve the power to choose the people who’ll ru(i)n our country, have the ‘ baap’ of all powers - freedom of speech to express ourselves without any inhibitions and all the other privileged powers that come with belonging and living in a ‘democratic’ set-up. We have a microscopic view of all the things that happen at macro level, we fight for injustice that happens at the National level (yes, we do that…thankfully!), always look at the bigger picture and debate over larger issues that may or may not affect us. No harm at all, in fact it only proves, we are sensitive, kind, caring, empathetic,compassionate, conscious, logical, brave, articulate, sensible citizens who have only good in the heart and well being in the mind for others. What then happens to the above attributes closer home? Our homes are the screens where we get to see the real life pictures. On one hand we have a microsc